This summer has been going way too fast. It's already August and the thought of going back to school in a few weeks makes my stomach jump with nervous excitement. I'm so close to finishing my nursing degree and I can't wait to graduate in just a few months! July was busy for us- Matt and I had the opportunity to go as leaders to a youth camp for our church. We were separated by a few miles (boys/girls) and were lucky to see each other once while up there. I only took a couple pictures though and am hoping someone else took a few more! (then I can post more about it)
Kolob- such a beautiful place! |
My parents watched Bella for us and met us in St. George to give her back. She had fun with their dogs and all the excitement over there. Well apparently she had so much fun that as they were driving away she leapt (is that a word?) into my dad's unrolled window and onto his lap!! She was probably thinking "it was nice seeing ya, but I'm going back with the grandparents!" I may have shed a tear at the thought of her not wanting to come home (and from laughing so hard). But since we've been home, she is back to normal.
I like to think it was just a big "thank you" kiss |
It was about 6 1/2 years ago when my sister lovingly placed her baby with two wonderful parents who were ready to raise another child in their home. Their family lives across the country, but how exciting it is every summer when they come to town. This little girl knows exactly who her birth mom is and her adoptive parents are very open with her about it. While visiting her birth grand-parents last week, she says "Why does everyone love me so much?" :) She is one lucky girl and there is so much love all around her.
The resemblance makes me smile. This little girl looks exactly like her birth mama when she was little (and now!) |
And HaPpy BirtHday to this cutie pie! Love you, chica!
{My niece is cuter than yours} |