Matt got a new shell on his truck. It's much better/easier to travel with Bella now. Though, I did like the look of the truck better before...
We met up with my sister in Spanish Fork for some lunch and park time. Have I mentioned how awesome it is to be closer to family?
Dad teaching our little fishy to swim :) Grayson LOVES water!
Perfect weather = lots of walks and hikes for us! This was landscape arch below.
Oh, and remember when I said Grayson loved water? I'm thinking about getting him a dog bowl with his name on it for Christmas. Haha
Rock climbing with friends. I really want to get our own gear now! It was so much fun (and hard). I have always been afraid of heights, but as long as I keep my head up, I'm okay!
Coming home from work and seeing this is my favorite! (including the part where Matt's doing the dishes, haha)
TEN months old!