We started baby food around 4.5 months and I've been convinced that Gray would like anything we gave him... until today. Guess he likes avocados as much as me! He wouldn't even have a second glance and gave me the "really mom?" look. So funny. I'd say his favorites are sweet potatoes and bananas since he smiles more with those, haha. (disclaimer: I hate bananas, but I know their health benefits so I'm trying to be an adult while around them. But its hard. So hard.)
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First taste of oatmeal- yum! |
Another first was going to the pool! It's so much fun to watch Grayson experience new things. He LOVED the water! I can't wait to put him in swim lessons.
Easter 2014 (sorry Dad, we coudn't resist those bunny ears, haha)
5 months old and growing like a weed!
Look at that bright eyed boy!

The camera has been playing trick on me lately... This boy appears to be 4 years old in the next pics! Weird glimpse into the future for us.
Fun visiting with birth families :)
Teaching Grayson how to roll over..
Some big news: Matt accepted a job flying for an emergency medical company in Moab. The change came much quicker than we expect, but we had to jump on the chance! The idea of no longer flying tours and doing something much more rewarding sounded great. As Grayson and I put our things together, Matt traveled back and forth during that month. We got our house ready to sell and moved our family to Moab just a few weeks ago. It's been so good to all be together. I'm not a fan of long distance relationships. Especially with a little one.
(it was really hard to leave this place. Change is good right? Thats what we keep telling ourselves. On to our next adventure...) |
I had never been to Moab before which seems crazy since I grew up in Utah. It's such a beautiful place! Small town, yes. Walmart or Target, no. But it was definitely more than I expected, haha. Not sure what I had imagined honestly.
One thing is for sure, we are much closer to family! Which means visits will happen more often :) My sister came down for a couple days and we had to explore a little...
You could say we love our new backyard!
I think I can get used to this place :) We are especially loving all our time with dad. Since he is on call, we get to see him a LOT more with this job.
Visiting dad at work
And then one day Grayson decided he could sit up REALLY good!
Because I love this face.
He loves watching kids play on the playground
And hello to SIX months!!
This kid is so much fun! I seriously cant believe it's been over 6 months now. He is rolling over like crazy and I cant decide if I should help him learn how to crawl or not. He LOVES his jumper and will go crazy jumping until he falls asleep, which happens almost daily. It's so funny!
And that's where I'm going to stop tonight. I have so many more pictures I want to share, but I'll keep you all hanging for another minute ;)
Oh goodness, he is so cute and smiley! I'm so glad you guys are liking Moab. Can't wait to see you guys on Saturday~